A rather brilliant, if clunky game.
This game is quite big, or feels like it. Moreover, it's fun! A lot of platformers these days don't have that sense of open-ness, and a sadly large number lack the amusing flair and witticisms present in A Tale of Colour.
The music is quite nice, and I found myself mulling over the instrumentation as it went on. It was generally quite fitting. I thoroughly enjoyed the first of the two secret medals, which I leave unmentioned for those here with a desire to find it themselves. Even more liked was the fact that you alluded to it in a signpost, changing it from "Secret" to "Easter egg", which are far more fun!
The controls are indeed clunky. Most noticeable is a lack of responsiveness. Often I'd have to hit a key twice to make it register, but that may have been lag from my computer.
Other bugs I noticed are -- the render distance is a bit low. I noticed that entities only show up if they're on screen. However, they tended to turn up late in the main world, resulting in spontaneously appearing Save points and the like!
My favourite bug, however, which is actually quite curious, is a bug that lets you fly. If you Glide into a sloping water area -- the kind that you normally slide down from -- you will slide UP it... and then resume gliding, going up instead of down (albeit slowly).
The last one I noticed was that if you tap Z rapidly while under a low roof, you can double jump over and over.
The story I didn't quite understand, though I did enjoy it. If you fleshed it out a little, it would be quite excellent, I think.
The graphics, however, were fantastic. Bright and vibrant, and I really enjoyed them. The dot-matrix style background near the start was interesting!
Given I am certain you'll improve in development as time goes on, and also in style - and I sincerely hope you'll keep the humour *Grins* - I have only one word. Sequel!